How to Stay Disciplined in Poker

Poker is a game that requires both skill and luck. It’s not for the timid, and it can be incredibly frustrating. It’s a challenge to stick to a strategy when human nature is constantly trying to derail you with bad calls, ill-advised bluffs and wavering between being aggressive and cautious. But to be a truly great player, you need to be able to withstand those temptations and stay disciplined in spite of them.

Every action in poker tells a story. Even without seeing your opponent’s cards, every fold, call, check, and raise gives away bits of information that your opponents can use to build a picture of your hand. It’s your job to give away the least amount of information possible while still communicating what you’re holding.

Position is another key element of poker. The earlier your position at the table, the more risk you’re taking on each hand. The reason is because players behind you have more information to work with when making their decisions.

In addition to learning about poker rules, hands and positions, you should also spend time studying the behavior of experienced players. Studying their mistakes and challenging situations can help you avoid similar pitfalls in your own play. And studying the successful moves they make can expose you to different strategies that you can incorporate into your own gameplay.