A slot is a narrow opening that can be used for something. In computing, it refers to a position in a sequence or schedule. It can also mean a place where a piece of hardware fits into another, such as a CD player slotting into a car seat belt. The term can also be applied to an individual time period, such as a meeting or appointment.
In ice hockey, the high slot is an area directly in front of an opposing goal that affords a vantage point for wrist shots. This is why a well-placed one-timer from the high slot is arguably the most devastating shot in the game.
In a slot machine, a symbol on a reel will be “slotted” into a winning combination according to the odds. These odds are determined by a random number generator (RNG) that cycles thousands of numbers every second. If the symbols line up with a winning payline, the player wins a prize. Modern slot machines may have up to 1024 paylines. The odds are published on the machine’s pay table or as a list on its information page. With many video slots, the odds are listed as part of a help menu or in the rules.