A casino is a gambling establishment. It might be a small building that houses slot machines, card games or other forms of chance, but it is also the name for large commercial establishments whose primary business is gambling. Those who operate casinos are called casino owners, and they make their money by collecting a percentage of each bet made. Casinos are very noisy and crowded, and they often use bright colors, cheery music and flashing lights to entice gamblers.
Gambling probably began before recorded history, with primitive protodice and carved six-sided dice found in the oldest archaeological sites. However, the modern casino did not develop until the 16th century when a gambling craze in Europe led to the creation of private clubs for Italian aristocrats known as ridotti. The popularity of these places prompted the introduction of other gambling games and eventually led to the development of a single word to describe them all: casino.
Modern casinos employ many technological and physical measures to keep their patrons safe. They have video cameras that watch every table, every window and doorway, and can be adjusted by security workers to focus on suspicious patrons. Slot machines are monitored by electronic systems that ensure payouts are random and consistent. They are also programmed to give a small profit over time, a percentage that is often referred to as the house edge. This advantage can be a small percentage, but it adds up quickly for a large establishment.