A slot is a narrow opening or groove. A slot may be used to form a part of an airplane wing, tail, or other aerodynamic surfaces to provide lift or control. A slot may also be used to attach electrical wires, or to hold a handle on a piece of machinery.
A “slot” in the sense of an authorization is also used in air traffic coordination to avoid repeat take-off and landing delays caused by too many flights trying to operate at a busy airport at the same time. Central flow management using slots is now common in Europe and has made significant savings in flight delay, fuel burn and environmental costs.
In ice hockey, the high slot is where the puck moves the fastest, giving center and wingers the chance to rip a slap shot that can zip by the goalie without a deflection. Some shots taken in the high slot reach speeds of over 100 miles per hour, making them one of the most dangerous plays in hockey.
In the movie National Lampoon’s Vegas Vacation, Chevy Chase’s character, Clark W. Griswold, gets caught up in gambling fever at the Las Vegas Strip casinos. But he would have done better reading Probability For Dummies before embarking on his journey. This article explains the basics of how slot machines work, so that gamblers can make informed decisions based on probability. It also explores some of the myths that surround slot machines, so that players can separate fact from fiction and develop a strategy based on sound probabilities.