What is a Slot in Ice Hockey?


A slot is a rectangular area in ice hockey that extends toward the blue line. It is also the fourth position in the flying display. This word is related to the verb’sleutetana’ and is cognate with the German word’schloss.’ It is a good location for a wide-open shot.

There are many types of slots. The oldest types use gears and levers to spin the reels. More modern slot machines use computers to control the action. Their designs are similar to the mechanical ones, but their operation is quite different. Instead of the reels spinning based on a set sequence, these machines are controlled by a central computer.

The pay table is an important part of the game. It lists credits when various symbols line up. In some games, symbols can represent multiple symbols, which can cause large payouts. A pay table is displayed on the face of the machine, or in the help menu, if it is available. Older machines have pay tables above and below the wheels.

A slot receiver can be a valuable asset in the spread offense. He is often fast and is in a prime position to catch a pass or take a handoff. A slot cornerback covers the slot receiver, but is usually a smaller, quick player that can cover him.